Do you want to know more about your pet and their health? If you do, then this blog aims to support you and your pet, so, you’re in the right place!

My name is Harry, I am a veterinary surgeon from the United Kingdom with a passion for sharing my knowledge and helping owners to best look after their pets. I strongly believe that working as a team, alongside owners, is the key to keeping pets as healthy as they can be. What better way to achieve this than providing a platform where anyone can learn the ins-and-outs of their animals!

Veterinary Facts was born from an idea that I had whilst studying at university – very often we are told prevention is better than cure when it comes to healthcare, however I noticed there was an obvious gap in the resources available for owners to access the knowledge required to prevent many common pet problems. This sparked a desire in me to find a way to spread this important information to the masses – I started with graphic designs and a Facebook page and here I am starting a blog!

Whilst the aim of this website is to teach you about the care of your pets and hopefully explain some of the harder to understand conditions and problems they might face; it will, unfortunately, not be a substitute for a visit to your own veterinarian who will be able to assess your animal individually and treat them as appropriate.

If you are interested in learning more, or simply following along with my blogging journey, then please stick around! Have a look at some of my articles and follow me on social media. I hope you find something that can help you and your pet, or if not, at least learn something interesting!

Harry Johnson BVSc MRCVS