Welcome to Veterinary Facts, the only site you need to learn the ins-and-outs of your pet, from health and wellbeing to behaviour and diet.

Veterinary Facts aims to bring you a selection of highly detailed articles informing you about the most important pet-related topics. Our main focus is healthcare, because this is a primary area in keeping a healthy, happy pet. We will also cover some other integral topics, including behaviour challenges and management, and a deeper dive into some of the more complicated medical conditions your pet may encounter. There will be something to learn here for everyone, so take a look at some of our articles below, or if you have a specific interest then take a look at the categories page.

My name is Harry, I am a veterinary surgeon from the United Kingdom with a passion for sharing my knowledge and helping owners to best look after their pets. I strongly believe that working as a team, alongside owners, is the key to keeping pets as healthy as they can be. What better way to achieve this than providing a platform where anyone can learn the ins-and-outs of their animals! If you are interested in learning more, or simply following along with my blogging journey, then please stick around! Have a look at some of my articles and follow me on social media. I hope you find something that can help you and your pet, or if not, at least learn something interesting!

  • Kidney Disease – What Does it Mean For Your Pet?

    As our pet’s get older they are more and more prone to picking up illnesses and problems, and one of the more common issues for an elderly pet to have is kidney disease. This article…

  • Frustrating Fireworks – How to Help Your Dog Cope

    Around the globe, fireworks are a source of much wonder and amazement, however for our pets and wild animals they can be extremely frightening and in some cases lead to animals getting hurt or lost.…

  • Toilet Troubles – Why is My Cat Struggling to Urinate?

    There are two broad categories of struggling to urinate with cats, and these are cystitis and urinary tract obstruction. Urinary tract obstruction is potentially life threatening, and so it is very important to be able…